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'the sun and her flowers' By Rupi Kaur

An intricately written collection of poems that immerse you deeply into the words & emotions of a woman's life, making you feel more than merely a 'reader'.

"the universe took its time on you

crafted you to offer the world

something different from everyone else

when you doubt

how you were created

you doubt an energy greater than us both


- Rupi Kaur

A beautifully written collection of poems that will inspire & empower any woman that reads them. Diving deep into heartbreak, insecurities & the scrutiny with which the modern women comes under - encouraging a desire to embrace our imperfections, support others & recognise that we are not alone. When we wilt, we will inevitably bloom, if only we realise our inner strength. Rupi's words speak wonders for themselves so I will leave you just one more poem (of many possible extracts!) that makes it all seem so simple now that it is said but many out there will spend their whole lives denying this truth.

"to hate

is an an easy lazy thing

but to love

takes strength

everyone has

but not all are

willing to practise"

- Rupi Kaur

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